Sunday, February 3, 2013

File photo of handcuffs (© Getty Images)
Cops handcuff, interrogate 7-year-old over missing $5
Police in New York City are facing a $250 million lawsuit from a family who says police handcuffed and interrogated their 7-year-old son over $5 that went missing on the playground. The family of Wilson Reyes says their son was first handcuffed and held in a room at his school for four hours before being taken to a local precinct. There, they claim he was handcuffed to a pipe and questioned for another six hours. The money, intended for a school trip, reportedly fell to the ground in front of Reyes, and another boy allegedly picked it up. The city disputes the family's account of how long Reyes was held, saying standard procedure for a juvenile-robbery investigation was followed.

Odd the police will take action against a 7 year old and a missing $5.00 bill, but not if your cell phone or computer is stolen.

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