Monday, January 14, 2013

Rumor: Facebook is charging $1 per tag Facebook: Will Facebook charge $1 per tag?

Will Facebook charge $1 per tag?

The social networking giant announced Thursday that it will charge users $100 if they want their messages to be seen by someone other than their friends, such as Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Although there are some rumors circulating on the Web that Facebook will start charging for tagging people in pictures and posts, there is no information yet to substantiate it.
Zuckerberg’s “Other Folder”
Some people trying to message Zuckerberg (if they are not connected to him on Facebook) might get a little pop-up saying that it will cost them $100 to send it to his inbox. Otherwise it will end up in his “Other Folder.” Mashable discovered this Thursday when they tried to message Zuckerberg. It will also cost users $100 to message Facebook COO Sheryl Sandburg and CFO David Ebersman, according to CNN. MSN News was able to send a message to Zuckerberg this afternoon without coming across any paywalls, but it probably ended up in his “Other Folder.” The message says: “Hi Mark, wanted to know what you think about the new $100 messaging trial. Doing a story for MSN on it. Thanks!” We will let you know if he responds.
Facebook testing “extreme price points”
Facebook had said back in December that it would start testing a paid messaging system but didn’t divulge how much it would cost. The company, which is trying to figure out new ways to generate revenue, said that it’s “testing some extreme price points” to figure out how to filter spam.
MSN News seeks to give up-to-date information on rumors related to current events, people or topics/issues of interest. We’ll tell you what we can confirm from the rumor mill -- and what we can’t. If we can’t confirm a rumor, we’ll share what we do know about it.
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