Tuesday, May 7, 2013

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Parents grossed out: Fungus found in Capri Sun

Five types of fungus have been identified in the popular kids' juice drink Capri Sun, researchers say.

Cue the “eeews.” Five types of fungus have been identified in the popular kids' juice drink Capri Sun.
Photo: Capri SunAccording to The Christian Science Monitor, researchers found "mats of fungus consisting of millions of cells in the drink." While the thought of your kids' drink acting as a petri dish isn't all that appetizing, study researcher Kathleen Dannelly, associate professor microbiology at Indiana State University says the fungi probably aren't harmful to most people.

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"Probably, those of us with healthy immune systems, we could even eat that, and that wouldn’t be a problem," Dannelly told The Christian Science Monitor, referring to the fungal mats in Capri Sun. It may be a different story for people with compromised immune systems, such as those with AIDS, leukemia or cystic fibrosis.

Kraft, which manufactures Capri Sun, posted the following statement on its website:
Mold that forms on food and beverages is usually a common mold. It's generally much like common bread mold, though it may look different depending on where it forms. And yes, it can be ugly, gross and totally unappealing.
The bottom line: Five types of fungus have been found in Capri Sun and they likely won’t harm you, but they sure are gross.

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Here’s how some parents are reacting:
  • “Everyone always talks about Capri Suns as if they are indestructible--that they are ideal for sports and outdoor activities because the packaging is safe and keeps bacteria and other icky stuff out. So the idea that the packaging might actually be helping keep fungus in makes me uneasy.” – Kayt Sukel, author of “This is Your Brain on Sex”
  •  “That is DISGUSTING!!! I don't even know what that is, and I've graduated in Microbiology and have practically seen all kinds of molds, fungus and bacterias.” – Rosemichelle on The Bump
  • “That is BEYOND gross!  This freaks me out.  Really freaks me out.” – Mary0913 on The Bump
  •  “Unfortunately the solution will be to put preservatives in it or to make it perishable and have to be chilled. I wonder which one is more profitable?” – speculates Chef and Father, Greg Johnson
  • “I quit buying them once I heard that. Gross.” – Whitney on Facebook
  • “I always thought it was gross.” – Lori on Facebook
  • “Another reason to drink the ultimate beverage...water!!” – Dawnelle on Facebook
  • “Another good reason to give your kids homemade drinks with no preservatives!” – Monica on Facebook

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