Thursday, May 22, 2014

Lawyer: Mom Accused of Choking Bully Called a 'Folk Hero'

The lawyer for a Santa Rosa mother accused of choking her daughter's alleged bully said Thursday that his client is being lauded as an international "folk hero."
A Sonoma County Sheriff's deputy arrested Delia Garcia-Bratcher on Saturday on one felony charge of inflicting injury on a child, accusing the 30-year-old of leaving red marks on the boy's throat when she came onto an elementary school campus Friday.
But her attorney Ben Adams said Garcia-Bratcher acted as any mother would, after a boy at Olivet Elementary Charter School in Santa Rosa bullied her daughter last week.
Garcia-Bratcher made her first court appearance Thursday with Adams and supporters by her side. Formal charges against her were postponed Thursday.

Image: Delia Garcia-Bratcher CHRISTIE SMITH VIA NBC BAY AREA
Delia Garcia-Bratcher

"She is the mother of the year," Adams told reporters outside the courthouse. "She did nothing wrong. Her daughter was being bullied, and she confronted the bully. What is wrong with that?"
Adams told that the court he had evidence that would exonerate his client and that the boy had lied about her putting her hands on his throat. He said he would share the evidence but didn't elaborate on what it was.
Garcia-Bratcher said in an interview with the Santa Rosa Press Democrat Monday that the boy had called her daughter a "dirty Indian" and that she spoke to him about the name-calling on Friday.
Garcia-Bratcher "adamantly denies" ever having grabbed the fifth-grader by the throat, Adams said. He said that Garcia-Bratcher told the boy to stop behaving like a brat and to stop tormenting her daughter. Now, Adams said, people from all over the world are applauding her for standing up for her daughter.
The case will be heard next on June 19.

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