Thursday, January 8, 2015

Who does Comcast think it’s kidding?
On the first day of 2015, we shared one of the most incredibly frustrating tales of a Comcast customer service call gone wrong that we’ve ever heard, but at CES this week, the service provider promised that those calls will soon be a thing of the past.

READ MORE: Man spends 4 hours on the phone trying to get his Comcast service fixed… and it still didn’t work

On Thursday, Consumerist pointed us in the direction of the “Fast Innovation” panel at CES 2015, where Comcast Cable CEO Neil Smit made several claims which will almost certainly have current Comcast subscribers rolling their eyes hard enough to cause minor injuries.

“We do need to transform our customer experience, and I think we have a lot of work to do,” said Smit. “It will take time, but we’ll get it done.”

Here it’s worth noting that Comcast was crowned the Worst Company in America for 2014, its second “victory” in the past five years. Comcast received an explosion of notoriety throughout 2014 as an increasing amount of customers began recording their customer service calls, outing the company’s bizarre and aggressive tactics to ensure that subscribers have a difficult (if not impossible) time canceling their service.
Smit says that the company has repositioned Charlie Herrin, former Senior VP of Product Design and Development, to take the reins on customer service as Senior VP of Customer Experience. This is just one step, but it’s the beginning of a customer satisfaction revolution at Comcast… at least, that’s what the company wants us to believe.

“We expect that customer service will soon be one of our best products,” said Smit.
Considering the quality of most of Comcast’s products, this wouldn’t be very difficult to achieve. That said, we’re still pretty skeptical.

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