Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day-care teacher fired up after she's fired for putting out fire

Still of Michelle Hammack after being fired - Action Jax News, http://aka.ms/teacherfired

Day-care teacher fired up after she's fired for putting out fire

Michelle Hammack was in her day-care classroom in Arlington, Fla., when she smelled smoke. Her young charges were napping, so she slipped out to investigate, discovering a fire in the facility's oven. As the alarms shrieked, Hammack quickly got her kids out of the building, helped other teachers with head counts, then ran back in to ensure all of the students were outside. Shortly after the fire was extinguished (Hammack did that, too, before the firetrucks arrived), she lost her job. Day-care owner Olga Rozhaov fired Hammack for leaving her students alone in the classroom. "Even though children are sleeping, the teachers are supposed to be there," Rozhaov said. "If anybody else does the same thing, I will fire again." 

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