Tuesday, July 9, 2013

"Nothing could possibly go wrong with a floating nuclear power plant". ...are they deranged?????

Artist's conception of a floating nuclear power plant (© OKBM, http://aka.ms/floatingnuclear)

Nothing could possibly go wrong with a floating nuclear power plant

According to Russia's largest shipbuilder, the country could have a fully operational floating nuclear power plant by 2016. Construction on the massive vessel began in 2007 but has been on hold for two years due to lack of funds. Assuming that they scrounge enough cash together, the specially designed floating reactors will reportedly be able to "withstand tsunamis, crashes with other ships or crashes with structures on land." The appeal of this type of power plant is that it could be towed to remote locations that would otherwise be unable to sustain or afford a nuclear plant. The floating power plant will have a 69-person crew and could provide power to a city of up to 200,000 people. [Source]

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