Thursday, December 27, 2012

We have lost our children to the government and the school districts.  If your children get in trouble, they are your responsibility.  Yet, we do not have control to punish or raise our own children. So if the government and the school districts take control away from us, are they going to be responsible for the money to raise them, educate them and give them free medical?

Isn't it a crime for a minor to have sex?  So why are our schools aiding in the commission of a crime? 

I am not opposed to condoms, I am opposed to our idiot elected officials and stupid educators taking our ability to raise our children out of our control.  What has happened to individuality and the family values.  The government is intruding into our homes, values, religion and leaving us without our rights as citizens to privacy, freedom and the ability to have freedom of religion. 

If the schools take the power away from the parents and give the condoms to the students for free, then let them be responsible if the student does not attend school.  As it stands now in California, if a student cuts school the parent is held responsible and will suffer punishment by the courts. 

If a student is old enough to be given free condoms by the school district, then why are they not responsible  (not their parents) for cutting school? Or, make the school responsible for the students attendance and they suffer the wrath of the courts.  Schools aren't concerned as much about the students attendance as they are about the money they lose for every child not in attendance.
Free condoms to be dispensed by Philadelphia high schools
 By Dave Warner of Reuters 12.27.2012


Free condom dispensers will be placed in 22 high schools in Philadelphia.

PHILADELPHIA — There will be something new in many Philadelphia high schools when students return to class next week — free condoms.

Under a city plan, free condom dispensers will be placed in 22 of Philadelphia's 51 high schools after winter break, part of an initiative aimed at battling the spread of sexually transmitted diseases between students.

Parents who do not want their children involved in the program can opt out, school district spokesman Fernando Gallard said on Thursday.

"It's a self-service set-up so you can actually walk into the nurse's office, and there is a dispenser on the wall and you just help yourself to them," he said.

Gallard said the schools were selected for the program based on a report by the city's Health Department that showed rising rates of some sexually transmitted diseases among students.

"STD rates amongst youth in Philadelphia have been alarming, especially the increases in gonorrhea and chlamydia since early 2010," said a statement Thursday from the Health Department.

It added, however, that "as a result of the multi-faceted adolescent STD prevention campaign the epidemic seems to be waning."

Gallard said the program could eventually be expanded beyond the 22 schools.

"We're looking to see how successful the program is, and if it's successful then we will see if we can grow it," he said.

More than 400 public schools nationwide currently make condoms available to students, whether through a nurse, a counselor or other school personnel, among other methods, according to Advocates for Youth National, a Washington-based group focused on adolescent reproductive and sexual health.

Only a small number of schools — less than 10 percent — make condoms available through bowls, baskets or vending machines, it said.

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