Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year’s Resolutions

As the New Year approaches we look on the current year and evaluate our achievements of last year’s resolutions.  Now, depressed and feeling like a total underachiever for not one resolution was fulfilled we make more resolutions. Lose weight, gain weight, quit smoking, eat less, eat healthier, get a better job, get a job, pay off credit cards, go back to school, be nicer, be friendlier, be stronger, make new friends, be a better friend, start a savings account, party less, be happier, go to church, sky dive, travel, find love, get married, get a divorce, help the needy….

Now, how many resolutions did you make last year, how many did you achieve?  How many this year, how many do you really believe you will have achieved a year from now?

We make New Year’s resolutions and then feel horrible for not following through and making even one come true. About the middle of January we forget any and all resolutions until New Year’s comes around again and guilt sets in so we make new or the same resolutions.  The cycle starts and ends the same way each year.

So, I have a solution; make only one resolution to not make any more resolutions.  That way you will not have any guilt a year from now or any other year’s end.  You will have achieved your New Year’s resolution and you will feel empowered with joy and happiness having met your goal.

Now, go get ‘em champ and party safely and wisely. 

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