Saturday, April 6, 2013

A woman turned away by a hospital gives birth in a hotel room

Unmade bed (© Dana Hoff/Beateworks/Corbis)

 It’s the nightmare of mothers and hotel maids everywhere: Michelle Booth had her baby in a hotel room after London University College Hospital refused her admittance. Staffers said her labor was not yet advanced enough, but the couple was too far from their home to return, so they checked into a four-star hotel across the street. Four hours later the baby arrived as Booth screamed into a duvet, terrified they’d be thrown out. Yes, the couple delivered their first child with only the aid of hypnotherapy CDs and two over-the-counter painkillers. The hospital defends this as "perfectly normal," though we think hospital staff should pay the hotel bill of whoever was staying next door during this insanity. [Source]

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