Thursday, April 4, 2013

Stock photo of businessmen covering up (© Dann Tardif/LWA/Corbis)

Baldness-fighting drug causes shrinkage, bad orgasms

Men want a full head of hair to get the ladies, right? However, most of them also want to be able to, um, "perform," once they've gotten them. With that in mind, the follicularly challenged of those out there may want to take note of a rather alarming study published today in the Journal of Sexual Medicine about Propecia, a popular hair-retention drug. An investigation by George Washington University researchers found that 96 percent of men involved suffered erectile dysfunction, shrinking genitals, lowered libido and problems with orgasms more than a year after they stopped taking it. The results indicate Propecia's negative side effects may be long-term or even permanent, the author said, unlike previously thought.

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