Thursday, April 4, 2013

Experienced Skins Vol 2/Getty Images

It gets even worse for baldies — baldness linked to heart disease

Bad news, baldies. Not only have you lost out in the lush locks lottery, but men with receding hairlines are also 32 percent more likely to have coronary heart disease. That's according to a new study from the University of Tokyo. Researchers looked at nearly 37,000 people, adjusted their data for other risk factors (like age and family history) and found a "significant, though modest, link" between top-of-the-head baldness and heart troubles. But before you rush for the Rogaine, docs point out that smoking, obesity and other health factors are still the biggest heartbreakers in the coronary department  so you're better off exercising and eating right rather than pulling your last few hairs out over your disappearing mane. [Source]
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