Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I believe it's time to do away with the I.R.S and impose a 6% flat tax.

I believe it's time to do away with the I.R.S and impose a 6% flat tax.  Jerry Brown (as Governor of California in the mid 70's proposed a flat tax of 6%. Governor Jerry Brown only proposed a 6% flat tax, he did not propose doing away with the I. R.S., but he believe the flat tax would raise more revenue.

The problem is the very powerful lobby of the CPA's and accountants.  Why would we need to pay to have our taxes done, gruel over our taxes each year.  Just pay 6% of you income and that's that.

 The I.R.S. is one our governments biggest drain on our budget and one of the largest government employer.

Reduce government, lower the budget drain and I believe we could actually have a greater revenue without the I.R.S, as we know now, then we do today with a flat 6% tax.

Wow...this is fantasy...no elected official is going to vote for this flat tax and doing away with the I.R.S. as we know it today.  The elected officials want to continue with the lobby system, listening only to an elite few rather than the people.

Do away with lobbyists, limit campaign contributions to $100.00 er individual and not campaign contributions allowed by groups, business's or any organization...only individuals. 

Flat tax, no I.R.S. (as we know it today), no lobbyists groups and limit campaign contributions per individuals to a maximum of $100.00 (no campaign contributions allowed except by individuals of max $100.00) and we may have elected officials who truly represent us, the individual citizens of the United States of America and a balanced budget.

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