Saturday, July 6, 2013

Those Twinkies you're waiting to inhale will be frozen, not fresh

Hostess Twinkies (© Evan Amos/Hostess via

Those Twinkies you're waiting to inhale will be frozen, not fresh

Creme filling? Try ice creme filling. Hostess busted its unions to get back in the snack cake game, and now it's busting the tradition of fresh yummers in stores within 48 hours. Twinkies 2.0 will be on the shelves July 15, but you'll have no idea when they came out of the oven. America's most iconic guilty pleasure will now be baked at five different plants, then frozen and trucked by no-longer-union drivers to supermarket warehouses, where they'll be defrosted and stocked as needed. That will also extend the shelf life from forever to forever after thawing. OK, maybe 45 days. The company huffily defended the "integrity" of its product, calling it "as good, if not better than before."

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