Saturday, December 8, 2012

I am listing three website links for your perusal at the bottom of this blog.  Check out these sites and judge for yourself if they spark your interest. We need to make our government responsive to the people.  Honesty, integrity and intelligence are needed in our elected officials and yet it is lacking. 
So, get educated in our governmental process, knowledgeable of history and a desire to make a change.  Learn how by reading Ralph Nader's "The Seventeen Solutions", "Bold Ideas for our American Future". You will find it at
Agree,'s your right.  But, get informed and make intelligent and honest decisions when it comes to voting for an elected official, initiative or law.  This is your country, your RIGHT and your privilege that many people in other countries do not have.  Do not abuse the privileges and the rights the forefathers of the United States of America fought to attain and preserve.

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