Saturday, December 22, 2012

Renters: Don't forget to ask these questions

Maybe that apartment has the dishwasher you wanted, but do you get cell-phone reception?
By Leah at MSN Real Estate Aug 28, 2012 2:50PM


There is no shortage of rental advice, from how to find your first apartment to how to screen your landlord. But there are a lot of things you may not discover about your new digs until after you move in. And while you can't find out everything, Ilyce Glink at CBS MoneyWatch came up with a list of 10 questions renters often forget to ask.
 One of the most essential questions on her list is, "Does my cell phone get reception?" It's frustrating enough to work in an office building without cell-phone reception or to spend time at a restaurant or business that deliberately blocks cell signals, but you certainly want to be able to make phone calls from your home.

Glink points out that because vacancies are down, some renters may think they should take what they can get, but you shouldn't settle for an apartment that won't meet your needs.
 Here are a few of her other important questions.

 How is the water pressure? No one wants deal with a shower that barely drizzles. Turn on the water, and ask a current tenant how long the water takes to get hot in the mornings, when lots of the building's occupants may be trying to get ready at once.
Are there windows, where are they, and do they open? You want to know whether you're going to get any natural light, whether your view consists of a trash can in the alley and whether you'll be able to open the windows for fresh air.
  • Who handles package deliveries? If you don't have a doorman in your building, what happens if you're at work when the fresh-baked cookies from your grandma in Minnesota arrive via UPS or FedEx?
  • What's the deal with the heat? If you're apartment hunting in the spring, you're probably not thinking about the chill of winter. But it's important to know whether your heat is controlled individually, if it's efficient and how much it generally costs during the winter months.
Keep in mind that your priorities for a home are personal, so think about what your needs and daily routines are, and make sure you find a place that suits you.

As Lee Lin, a co-founder of no-fee apartment listings website, puts it:
 "Everyone has a different set of priorities and preferences. Some people are willing to pay an extra $200 for a terrace … Know what you want and make sure you're not overpaying for features."

 If you're renting, you need to treat every apartment showing as a property inspection. Don't be afraid to poke around and make sure the place will be comfortable – and safe.
Renters' inspection checklist
Happy hunting.

 – Leah L. Culler is a freelance journalist and longtime renter. She believes that keeping up with the rental market means you have to keep on moving: She has lived in 10 rentals in six years.  She hopes to someday own her own home – and stay there awhile.

          First thing to do before interviewing the Property Manager, find out who owns it, are they behind in property taxes and or payments, all can be found out for free at the county offices. Check with the local Police to see how many calls they have made to that address and  for what, was it a Meth House.  Make a walk thru before signing any papers, if you don't get that "warm fuzzy feeling" get out of there

          I ask first if pets are allowed.  If they are not, that landlord won't hear from me again.  My pet is part of the family.  If pets are first allowed, then banned, the landlord better grandfather that rule or be ready to be sued.  My pet is as much a part of my family as peoples' kids are a part of their family.  I will not tolerate a landlord who tries to force me to rehome my pet or suddenly have to move because I won't, AND be forced to find a person to move into my apartment after suddenly changing the rules when first allowing pets.  My pet is trained in advanced obedience, and I show her in obedience trials very successfully. She is housetrained better than most peoples' kids, and she behaves better than most peoples' kids, as well, so my pet's conduct would not be a problem. Additionally, I am one of the few in our apartment community who actually picks up after my pet, using a bag to pull up the solid stool from within the bag.  Most others are too lazy to go through that trouble.  More than once, I have stepped in other peoples' dogs solid waste because they didn't pick up after their dog. It is pet owners like this that tighten pet rules in apartment complexes. Those of us who are responsible pet owners are held to the lowest common denominator of the worst of pet owners, right down to people who don't bother to housetrain their puppies, so most apartment complexes won't let you keep a dog less than six months old in a unit.  Having to get a "late puppy" or young adult dog for obedience training means that I have to work around other peoples' poor or absent socialization of a young dog.  This lack of socialization means the dog is likely to be shy, and is MORE likely to be a fear biter.

          There is some good advice here and I will add a few more bits. Some things the managers can't tell you due to federal or local laws.   If possible I would be there in the morning and/or afternoon when the school bus comes or goes. This will give you an indication of how many children live there and what their ages are. Also how they behave when getting off the bus. Drive through during the middle of the day. If the parking lot is full of cars it’s a good sign that many of the tenants don't work.  Also come around at night and see if there is adequate parking available. The landscaping is always nice near the rental office and model apartments. Look around the development away from these areas for trash and debris. Check the areas near the dumpsters, these can really be nasty.  

          Right now, landlords won't let you out of a lease unless you are military.  If you've lost your job, tough. You are stuck in your lease, no way to get out unless your landlord allows you to find someone to move into your apartment when you move out.  Otherwise, if you have to move out before your lease is up, you better find some way to seemingly have dropped off the ends of the earth because the landlord will find you and make you pay months of back rent, and if that landlord has filled the vacancy of your apartment, collect that rent as well, though I think that in some areas, that is of questionable legality.  Landlords from hell don't care what the law says. They can usually strong-arm themselves out of any legal entanglement. Most of us are not that powerful or intimidating

Don't be shown one apartment and leave a deposit then come back a week later and finish the paperwork to find out they want to put you in another. They did that to me and my children and 3 days later the upstairs neighbor came home and we found out she had 2 ADHD kids and one’s autistic. When they showed us the apartment they were out of town. We've had stomping over our heads for 4 months now and fits with stomping. It rattles the fixtures, china, doors on the hinges. But we're out of here. They won't enforce the same lease I had to sign on her or apparently they choose the "option" not too. Therefore they've neglected to provide me and the children the peaceful, quite tranquil setting they implied they had in the lease. 4 months of being woken up at 4am,5am,530,555 plus my own kids sit in the closet to do their homework or go in and lay down a pallet to nap on when they don't feel well because it’s the only place the retard doesn't stomp on top of. We're outta here and I'm seriously considering suing the crap out of the apartment owners due to the negligence of taking care of the woman upstairs while she breaks the rules of the same lease.
Ask if they are contracted with certain companies for your electricity and cable. I moved into my apartment complex and they were contracted with a certain electric company and I didn’t realize that until I was calling around to get cheaper rates. They later on signed a contract with a certain cable company and we were told that we either signed on by a certain date or we would no longer have cable services. I will definitely ask these questions when I moved.

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