Thursday, December 20, 2012

We must temper a rush to take the guns away from our citizens.  Gun control rings out coast to coast and recent events seem to many a justification to take the guns away from all but the military and police. A growing populous thinks this will keep the guns from criminals, mentally disturbed and terrorists.  Did prohibition keep alcohol from the people?  Do the drug laws keep illegal drugs out of the hands off drug addicts, and illegal distribution and the manufacture of the hard drugs and marijuana?  It is illegal to steal, murder, use illegal drugs, drive intoxicated, drink alcohol under the age of 21 years and not to exceed the posted speed limit.  Of course no one ever breaks the law.  Do you know anyone who has obtained a restraining order against another person?  How effective is a restraining order?  If violated, how effective or willing are the police to enforce it?  If the police enforce it, how will the court deal with it?  The answer, not much.

Why do I bring up these examples?  To point out the inabilities of laws that prohibits behavior or the possession of illegal items to effectively reduce the intended effect.  It seems to grow a new class and more criminal activity.  The innocent will be left defenseless to protect themselves from those who mean to do us harm.  With fewer and fewer law enforcement personnel we will be at the mercy of the criminal.  Police response as a whole is poor and the courts are overflowing along with our prisons.

Our founding fathers wanted the citizens to have the right to bear arms against a suppressive government.  This country was populated by those fleeing oppression and unjust laws dictated by one or a few. The constitution was drawn up to protect us from an unjust and/ or oppressive person or group and the ability for the individual and nation to protect themselves and their rights by maintaining arms and a militia.

I don’t like guns, but I know history and I fear for our rights and liberties that are eroding every year.  The erosion is not necessarily by evil or power hungry individuals or groups (yes…some are in this category) but many are just individuals who will destroy this country freedom and rights we are assured in the Constitution.  Then, the door is open for oppression, not all at once…but a bit at a time by those fearing terrorists, criminals, bullies and the wrath of God.  Before we know it, we lose our individuality and freedom to a few who govern our actions.

I DON’T LIKE GUNS, BUT, I FEAR FOR THE EROSION OF OUR RIGHTS AND LIBERTIES.  Once the camel gets its head in the tent, the next thing you know, the whole camel is in the tent. Look how the government has more and more control of our lives and families than it did 50 years ago.  Study how this country was founded, why the founding fathers structured and empowered the federal, state and local governments as they did

“Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”.  (John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, first Baron Acton (1834–1902).

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